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For most people, periods can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and headaches. Some individuals have back pain before period in addition to the regular PMS symptoms associated with the menstrual period. During those days of the month, lower back pain might range from minor annoyance to a lot of pain. The discomfort is most commonly felt in the center of the lower back. Most people’s back cramps begin a few days before their menstrual period and subsides in a day or two. The good news is that period back pain is usually minor and will go away on its own.

Causes for Back Pain During Period

Though the specific causes of lower back pain during periods are unknown, it is commonly linked to hormonal changes and their impact on spinal ligaments. Hormonal changes have been observed to affect collagen formation, which can contribute to ligament laxity or loose ligaments. Loose ligaments can induce spinal instability, which can be accompanied by lower back cramps.

Prostaglandins could possibly be involved. Many of the symptoms connected with menstrual discomfort are caused by hormones called prostaglandins. Many tissues in the body, including the endometrium (the tissue that lines the uterus), produce these hormones, which cause the uterine muscles to contract and shed the lining during menstruation. These are also responsible for period cramps. As a result of heavy contractions, lower back pain during periods can occur when the cramps from lower abdomen move to the lower back.

During their period, people with elevated prostaglandin activity may feel severe menstrual cramps and back pain. Symptoms of painful menstruation, such as nausea, headaches, and diarrhoea, can be caused by prostaglandins (dysmenorrhea).

Low back pain before period and during period is usually musculoskeletal in origin, and is thought to be caused by hormonal fluctuations. Lower back muscles can be affected by prostaglandins (hormones secreted throughout the menstrual cycle to increase uterine contraction and shed the uterine lining). Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, is caused by an overabundance of prostaglandins. During the menstrual cycle, persons with endometriosis may have low back pain. If this concerns you, you should speak with your doctor about the diagnosis and treatment options available.

Tips for Period Back Pain Relief

Some lifestyle changes trigger period pain, hence, it is advised to follow a healthy routine with a healthy diet. Additionally avoiding salty food, caffeine, smoking and alcohol will help manage PMS symptoms such as period back pain. Here are a few tips on how to reduce back pain during periods.



Applying heat to your lower back with a warm water bottle or heating pad will give instant relief from period back pain.

Warm shower

Taking a warm shower or bath during your period can help you relax and ease yourself. This is one of the easiest period back pain relief therapies.


Back cramps can also be relieved by gently massaging the abdomen and lower back, offering some relief from back pain during periods.


Getting some exercise on a regular basis can assist with period back pain. Physical activity can help alleviate lower back pain during a period, even though it's tempting to avoid exercising during your period. Gentle exercises such as walking, swimming and cycling are recommended.


Relaxation imageset

Meditation or yoga may help you relax your mind and body, thus distracting you from discomfort.

While period back pain is one of the most common PMS symptoms, if the pain persists and gets excruciating, it is advisable to see a doctor to rule out the existence of any other underlying condition.