Reasons for Mood Swings Before Periods

Reasons for Mood Swings Before Periods

“I think I am PMSing!” Is this not something we all have heard at some point from a friend, sister or colleague? So, what is it that makes some women experience mood swings on some days of the month? It’s good to know what happens in the body that triggers these unexplainable emotions and reactions.

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is a group of physical and emotional symptoms preceding a period, affecting majority of the women in their reproductive age. While for some it means feeling bloated, for others it could mean tender breasts, lower backaches, or mood swings. For most women, the symptoms are rather mild, however some may experience severe symptoms that affect their day to-day life.. Hormonal changes that the body goes through during menstruation lead to these symptoms, and women who are hypersensitive to natural hormonal changes may display extreme mood swings in periods. Some of the common emotional PMS symptoms are -

  • Irritability
  • Feeling nervous and anxious
  • Oversensitivity
  • Sadness
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Crying

Understanding Reasons for Period Mood Swings

Understanding Reasons for Period Mood Swings

The definite cause of mood swings in not entirely clear however this emotional upheaval is said to be connected to the changes in the hormone estrogen during the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, the body releases an egg, causing estrogen and progesterone levels to sharply drop. These hormonal fluctuations are thought to be a major cause for period mood swings and other physical and emotional PMS symptoms. The changes in these hormones affect the levels of serotonin, & low levels of serotonin lead to feelings of sadness and irritability, along with unusual food cravings and a disturbed sleep – common PMS symptoms we all are well versed with.

Treating PMS Symptoms

For most women, changes to lifestyle can greatly contribute to mitigating the effects of PMS symptoms, while women with severe symptoms may need medication. A few treatments mentioned below may help deal with mood swings and improve the overall psychological health in the days before the period.

Treating PMS Symptoms 2

Regular exercise – It is found that endorphins, which are the chemicals in the brain, are released during exercise; and so physical activity can thus lift the mood. Regular work-outs can also help alleviate cramps and bloating.

Maintaining a mood diary – This is not exactly a treatment, however keeping a mood diary will help you keep a check on your mood swings and anticipate them happening, thereby offering a reason to yourself and help cool you down.

Eating small meals – Rather than going for traditional three meals a day, opting for small frequent meals throughout the day, which will help keep blood sugar levels stable. A meal high in carbohydrates can cause blood sugar level swings, which in turn could worsen PMS – low blood sugar may contribute to irritation and crying spells. Also, follow a balanced diet that is low in sugar and sodium.

Treating PMS Symptoms 1

Stress management – Stress is a large factor contributing to and worsening PMS symptoms. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing are some relaxation techniques that prove to be an effective PMS treatment for period mood swings and emotional outbursts.

Now that you are closer to understanding some of the reasons for mood swings in periods and the PMS symptoms, it is likely that you can deal with these effectively, and bring about a change gradually.