How to Treat PMS?

how to treat pms

Everyone is aware of the Premenstrual Syndrome, better known as PMS. The various mood swings, food cravings, and the undeniably prominent cramps, it’s nothing but your body alerting you of the soon to start period.Learning about the various premenstrual syndrome treatments can make your periods manageable.

Symptoms of PMS

But first – a little about PMS. PMS symptoms vary with individuals and are not the same every month and are usually mild to moderate. A very small percentage of women experience severe symptoms that affect their daily life activities. Causes of PMS symptoms can be many such as a change in the levels of estrogen and progesterone during certain times of the month.The changes in these levels affect serotonin, a chemical in the brain that influences your mood, sleep cycle, and appetite.

Other symptoms include bloating, headaches, acne, and breast tenderness. As your body is preparing to shed the uterine lining, the contractions of the uterus muscles are a reason for your period cramps in the lower back and lower abdomen.

The PMS symptoms that you experience, and its intensity will be unique to you as every woman’s body is different. What you go through is influenced by your lifestyle, diet, and hormones over the past month.

How To Treat PMS

There is no way to completely cure PMS symptoms but there are ways to ease the pain. Here are some ideas about treating PMS.

Cuddle up

PMS cramps are a result of contractions in your uterus. Relaxing your muscles is key to easing these contractions. Cuddling up in the foetal position can help your body relax. In the case of unbearable cramps, a hot water bottle pressed against your lower abdomen will help relax your muscles as well.

Indulge in a warm bath

A warm bath is a great treatment for PMS symptoms because it helps relax your muscles. That little peaceful time will also calm your mind and lighten your mood.

Track your symptoms

Not everyone would do this, but it is good to keep a track of your menstrual cycle and the emotions you go through during the various stages. This will eventually help you understand that your mood swings are indeed linked to your periods. And once, you know the reason for that sudden outburst, you can feel better and keep things under control.

Dietary measures

Dietary measures

Include a lot of calcium-rich foods in your diet such as milk, cheese, curds, green leafy vegetables, as well as increase your intake of vitamin B-6 which you can get from fish, chicken, fruits, and cereal.

Indulge in healthy cravings

Your body also has its own way of treating PMS. Food cravings during your period are not always random. Craving chocolate? There is a reason! The chemicals in chocolate change are known to boost your mood. Thus, making you feel a little better.

Drink fluids

How to Treat PMS?

Bloating is a very common premenstrual symptom, and it happens because your body can retain water during your period, making you feel bloated. Ironically, drinking plenty of water will help combat water retention by flushing out excess water from the body. So, make sure to stay well hydrated during your period to reduce bloating.

Reduce stress

The combination of stress and the menstrual cycle is quite a critical one. Stress is known to worsen PMS symptoms. A few breathing exercises will help you deal with this better.


How to Treat PMS?

Make sure your body gets enough exercise. Exercise releases endorphins in your brain – chemicals that boost your mood and change the way you perceive pain.They will loosen your muscles and make you feel more at peace. Do not however overdo it. After all, the whole point is to find treatments for premenstrual symptoms, not to make them worse.

Despite these easy home remedies for treating PMS, if you’re still left searching for ways on how to treat PMS, consult your doctor or ask your parents about taking over-the-counter pain medication

If none of the above remedies help you in treating PMS, make sure you see a doctor. Although premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms are common amongst most women, they should not be as bad as to stop you from carrying out your everyday activities. You may feel slow and low on energy, but any further obstacles created should be dealt with, with the help of your doctor.

If there’s one nice thing about getting PMS, it’s that it lets you know that your period is around the corner. This means that you are well prepared with adequate pads on you. Stow some Whisper Ultra Clean pads that have an absorbent core that turns menstrual fluid into a gel – and gel doesn’t leak! Because of this, Whisper Ultra Clean pads keep wetness away from your skin, providing you up to 8 hours of leakage protection for a clean, fresh feeling.