When does Puberty End for Girls?

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An overwhelming phase of everyone’s life, puberty is that time when your body experiences a host of changes. Puberty in girls features the transition from childhood to maturation and prepares the body for reproduction. You will begin to develop breasts – thelarche, there will be hair growth in new places – pubarche and you will get your period – menarche. All these changes, owing to new hormones released by the pituitary gland, will take you through growth bursts accompanied by varied mood swings. Though it is an exciting time, you are maybe wondering when puberty ends.

Puberty – The Physical Spurt

Puberty – The Physical Spurt

Understanding when and how puberty in girls begins will help you move through this phase in ease. For most girls, puberty starts between the ages of 8-10. There are a few signs of puberty in girls to look out for. Developing breasts are one of the first signs of puberty. Breast buds may be itchy and sensitive as they grow, and some girls may find it comfortable to wear a bra. The breasts grow until the age of 17-18. This is also the time when girls grow taller and hit their adult height. The next sign will be the growth of hair in the armpits, pubic area and legs. Your body will have developed its own body odour by now, which is accompanied by the broadening of the hips and thighs. A few years after the onset of female puberty, you will start your periods, the average age for which would be around 12-15 years. Always remember to stash some Whisper pads in your bag, so you are not caught off guard and are always prepared for your period.

Puberty – An Emotional Rollercoaster

Puberty – An Emotional Rollercoaster

The phases of puberty in girls are an emotional rollercoaster. There will be bouts of frustration, anxiety and an overall sense of awkwardness with the changes in your body. You may feel self-conscious around peers, while annoyed and angry by your parents. If your emotional outbursts are causing a strain, it is recommended that you speak to a trusted adult about it. This is also the time when you may feel attracted to some of your peers.

When does it Start and End?

When does it Start and End?

There are always a whole lot of questions surrounding puberty changes. The most common being around periods, and then there being the one about the end of puberty. While puberty in girls begins about 8-10 years of age, on an average it ends between 16-17 years of age. But there is rule about it, so it is totally normal to begin and end puberty a little later than your friends. A lot of factors are responsible for a delayed puberty. Some include genetics, lifestyle, health, environment and your family history. When puberty actually ends for a girl is largely dependent on the individual herself, as each body is different.

Everyone matures at different ages, and it is a natural process of growing and developing into an adult. Feeling a little lost, overwhelmed and anxious, is all part of the game and it is completely fine. All you need to understand is that puberty is a part of life that everybody goes through, and it also comes with a its own excitement and fun.