What Causes Sticky Vaginal Discharge?

What causes Sticky Vaginal Discharge?

There are several reasons for the vaginal discharge that you experience every month. However, it is important for you to know the healthy function it plays in your body. Let’s dig more into the discharge reasons in females and the different kinds of vaginal discharge that you may experience – variation in colour, consistency, texture, and what it all really means.

Kinds of Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge changes throughout the menstrual cycle and can range from dry to wet, creamy to eggy, stretchy to white sticky discharge.Generally speaking, a healthy vaginal discharge will be relatively odourless. One of the types of discharges women often say they find the strangest, is the white sticky discharge. At some point during your menstrual cycle, you may have noticed the thinner discharge becomes stickier, almost like a gooey discharge, with quite a stiff texture.

It’s important to reiterate the fact that vaginal discharge helps keep the vagina clean by removing dead cells and bacteria, thus preventing infection. This happens because of a healthy bacteria that is present within your body – “lactobacillus”, which is very essential to fight any bad bacteria and thereby preventing vaginal infections.

When do you get a white sticky discharge?

Well, now the white sticky discharge is something that you are most likely to come across twice in a month - after your period for a couple of days, and then again about ten days later leading up to your next period. Thus, during ovulation, the discharge is thin, stretchy, and very slippery. However, a few days before ovulation starts and when a woman is most fertile, the discharge becomes stretchy, creamy, and wet. And this ‘egg-like white’ vaginal mucus is when it's most hospitable to the male sperm.

White discharge reasons in females after your period?

Once the menstrual cycle is over, the vaginal discharge shows up. Basically, it’s the body’s way of telling you that you are ready for ovulation. Often the amount of vaginal discharge is relatively less, but it could be sticky, thick, and white.

Now you will wonder why this sticky discharge still appears even after ovulation! After your period, once everything has been cleared out, preparations are being made for the next attempt at reproduction. An egg is getting ready for the arrival of the sperm, and your fertile time is most likely to start around day 11 of your cycle. If the sperm enters the body a few days early though, your body wants to give it a chance - and that’s where this white sticky discharge comes into the picture. It provides a pretty perfect home for the sperm, kind of suspending it, protecting it, and allowing it to travel up slowly.

Consider the vaginal discharge as your body’s very own protector, hence we need to understand and monitor the discharge, and let it do its function of keeping your vagina healthy. In effect, there is no need to be unduly disturbed by the white sticky discharge in the month. Taking care of your hygiene, wearing cotton underwear, and invest in some good pantyliners, Whisper Ultra panty liners absorb the humidity and odour, and leave you feeling dry and fresh can help you manage vaginal discharge in a much more effective way and staying healthy too! These are designed to be comfortable, so that you barely feel a thing when you wear these.