Tried and Tested Remedies for PMS Bloating

Tried and Tested Remedies for PMS Bloating

Has it happened to you that all of a sudden it feels like none of your clothes fit quite right? Everything feels just a little tight? It might be PMS Bloating.

PMS Bloating is definitely one of the least favourite period symptoms. It is uncomfortable and annoying, not to mention the cramps that accompany it. While it can be a hassle to deal with period bloating, it is a normal and a common pre-menstrual symptom. Many women experience bloating before and in the beginning of their period, where they feel like their stomach is swollen and is sticking out. But there is good news! We are here with a few tried and tested PMS bloating remedies to alleviate the uncomfortable feeling around your period.

Causes for PMS bloating

Tried and Tested Remedies for PMS Bloating

Bloating means your body is retaining water. Pre-menstrual bloating is one of the various symptoms that may occur 1-2 weeks before your period. It is that time when your stomach may feel heavy and swollen. You may bloat once in a while, or not at all. The reason for this is your hormones! The fluctuations in the levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the body to retain more water and salt, wherein the cells in the body get swollen with water, and the hence the feeling of bloating. Right before your period, the levels of progesterone drop, the hormone that is known to help your body get rid of excess water. In addition, high levels of estrogen in the weeks leading up to your period lead to increased water retention. This creates the perfect combination for premenstrual bloating.

A few other reasons could be your genes, diet, the amount of caffeine and alcohol intake, and the type of vitamins and minerals you consume. If you feel that any symptoms of PMS bloating happen for a long period of time (over 2 weeks), you should check with a doctor.

Remedies for bloating

Tried and Tested Remedies for PMS Bloating

Here are some easy ways in which you can de-bloat during your period. Increasing the intake of some foods, while swapping in more potassium-filled foods, and ditching the caffeine and alcohol for a few days, can offer some much-needed help to your bloated belly. You can also opt for simpler fixes, like getting more sleep, cooking at home more often and moderate exercises.

Water intake – Ensure you drink lots of water in the days leading up to your period. Drinking more water helps wash out toxins from your body, offering some help to period bloating. It also improves hydration. If your body feels like it’s not getting enough water, it will go into a panic mode and hold onto as much water as it can. The more you drink, the lesser water your body will retain. Keep a water bottle nearby and take sips throughout the day to combat the bloat. Cutting down caffeine, which dehydrates, can also help.

Tried and Tested Remedies for PMS Bloating

Exercise – Regular workout can also help improve PMS symptoms, and is one of the most effective period bloating remedies. Light exercises including yoga or a walk are good enough to offer some relief. High-intensity workouts may increase inflammation, and in turn add to the period bloating. Exercise enhances blood circulation, making it a great relief for PMS bloating, as well as boosts your endorphins – special chemicals in your brain that improve your mood.

Tried and Tested Remedies for PMS Bloating

Food intake – Consider increasing protein and potassium-rich foods that will help create a good balance of fluids. Go for bananas, tomatoes and asparagus that can flush out excess water.

Tried and Tested Remedies for PMS Bloating

Avoid salty foods – Sodium in the salt increases the amount of water retained by a person’s body. Cut down on salty foods in your premenstrual meals. The cravings before your period may make you want more of salt but it’s best to resist the urge because that means being less bloated and less in pain and discomfort – a good PMS bloating relief remedy.

Tried and Tested Remedies for PMS Bloating

And here a few more easy and quick remedies.

  • Avoid sugary drinks and any drinks that are carbonated as they can increase the size of your stomach and make you feel even more swollen.
  • Add some calcium in your diet a few days before your period, this can help reduce bloating.
  • Relax, try some deep breathing exercises to ease the pain.

A few simple period bloating remedies are sure to make you feel better and stay happier and more confident on all days of the month. Do not forget to stash some Whisper Ultra Clean sanitary pads in your bag, so you are always prepared for whenever you get your period.